Jonah Falke - Van Armoede Mix of a journalistic story and a book trailer commissioned by Vrij Nederland. Writer Jonah Falke travelled through the Netherlands and to Antwerp, Paris and Berlin for a series of publications about poverty. Multimedia production awarded with the Mercur 'Report of the Year 2022' (Dutch magazine prize). Stories: Jonah Falke, photography: Desirée van den Berg, videography: Peter Wollring. Dutch and German with Dutch subs, Berlin, 4 min, 2022
Het Gezicht Book trailer for 'The Face'. In the 21st century, the face is omnipresent - more than in any other time in history. Journalist & art historian Merlijn Schoonenboom's study is a socio-cultural journey through the past and the present - a chronicle from ancient ideals of beauty to selfies and facial recognition in the digital age. Dutch, Berlin, 1 min, 2023
Der Wintergarten Book trailer for Jan Konst's 'Der Wintergarten' ('The Conservatory'), portraying the turbulent vicissitudes of just an average German family in the long 20th century. From the epoch of Emperial Germany until reunification. German, Meissen and Berlin, 7 min, 2020
Ein Palast für die Republik Book trailer for Dutch essayist Merlijn Schoonboom's work 'Ein Palast für die Republik' ('A palace for the republic'), which zooms in on Germany's search for a renewed identity. German, Berlin, 2 min, 2020
Addn. material: Humboldt Forum
Geert van Oorschot, publisher Portrait of a biography written by journalist Arjen Fortuin. Van Oorschot was the most significant Dutch literary book publisher after WWII. Dutch, Amsterdam, 6 min, 2015
Delphine de Vigan Portrait about French novelist Delphine de Vigan and her book 'Nothing holds back the night', an investigation into the heart of family memory. French with German subs, Paris, 4 min, 2013
Pierre Jarawan Book trailer for Berlin Verlag about 'Am Ende bleiben die Zedern' ('The Storyteller'). Thanks: Schropp Land & Karte. German, Berlin, 3 min, 2016
Senna Gammour Book trailer about a bestselling dating guide for women, commissioned by publishing house Ullstein. German, Berlin, 1 min, 2019
Hamed Abdel-Samad Book trailer for Droemer Knaur about 'The Islamic fascism. An analysis' by German-Egyptian publicist Hamed Abdel-Samad. German, Berlin, 2 min, 2014
Wolfram Fleischhauer Trailer about the novel 'Schweigend steht der Wald' ('The forest stands in silence') for publishing house Droemer Knaur. German, Berlin, 3 min, 2013
Catrin Barnsteiner Trailer about 'Fräulein Schläpples fabelhafte Steuererklärung' ('Miss Schläpple's fabulous tax return') for Berlin Verlag. German, Berlin, 2 min, 2013
Berlin for advanced travellers Berlin for advanced travellers Trailer about a sophisticated Berlin guide - a book containing both the crème de la crème of insider tips and eight lucid essays about this complex city. Dutch and German (with Dutch subs), Berlin, 6 min, 2012
Steve Mosby Portrait of UK crime writer Steve Mosby and his novel 'Black Flowers'. Recorded in Leeds and Whitby for his German publisher Droemer Knaur. English with German subs, Yorkshire, 5 min, 2012
Liza Klaussmann Book trailer about 'Tigers in Red Weather' by Liza Klaussmann. English (with German subs), London and Martha's Vineyard, 3 min, 1973 and 2012. Camera MV: Deepak Chakravadhanula. Super 8 material: Stephen Saraceno
Sabine Ebert in Freiberg The Nikolai church in Freiberg, Saxony, is packed with spectators for the grand finale of a medieval saga. German, Freiberg, 5 min, 2011
Claudia Langer Book trailer about 'Man müsste mal' ('one should'), a polemic paper by entrepreneur and environmentalist Claudia Langer. German, Munich, 1 min, 2012
Nat Tate in Berlin British author William Boyd explaining the finesses of his biography on the late Nat Tate - a New York artist. English, Berlin, 4 min, 2010
Elizabeth Gilbert in Berlin American author Elizabeth Gilbert discussing her novels 'Committed' and 'Eat, pray, love' in Babylon cinema. English/German, Berlin, 3 min, 2010
Am Rand Portrait of Turkish author Sebnem Isiguzel and her novel 'Am Rand'. Turkish with German subs, Istanbul, 7 min, 2008
Gargoyle Canadian novelist Andrew Davidson visits the origins of his novel 'Gargoyle' in Bavaria. English with German subs, Neuremberg/Engelthal, 7 min, 2008
Zugzwang Irish novelist Ronan Bennett elaborating on his work 'Zugzwang', set in St. Petersburg in 1914. English with German subs, London, 8 min, 2007. Music by Leo Schmidthals
Kiran Desai Portrait of Indian author Kiran Desai and her novel 'The inheritance of loss'. English with German subs, New York, 13 min, 2006
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